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Daily Obstruction: Wolf Way

16 Aug


Wolf Way


It simply is not possible for a lone wolf to find a pack – not even of other lone wolves – because the way of the pack is not its way.

Daily Obstruction: Artist’s Tao

15 Aug



Artist’s Tao


Just as a sculptor works with the inherent faults, flaws, and grooves of the raw material, so too do all artists work with the natural inclination their chosen medium.


Daily Obstruction: Will or Way?

23 May


Will or Way?


It’s not a matter of “When there is a will there’s a way.”  It’s a matter of submitting your will to the Way.

Daily Obstruction: Tao

21 May




The Way ways always.

Daily Obstruction: There & Here

14 Apr

Mountain Top 063

There & Here


There are many ways up the mountain, but the master makes the peak jealous of the valley.

Daily Obstruction: Hooked

16 Mar

newsof freedom



You can let go, but sometimes the things you let go of have hooks in you.

Daily Obstruction: Capacity for Joy and its Opposite

13 Mar



Capacity for Joy and its Opposite


You tell me which takes more effort: drinking lemonade or turning lemonade into lemons?


* The image is the classic Chinese depiction of Confucius, Buddha, and Lao Tzu (L-R) tasting the contents of a vat of vinegar.  The vinegar is a metaphor symbolizing life and the interpretation of the image is that Confucius purses his lips, finding it unpalatable, Buddha is Stoically neutral.  Only Lao Tzu tastes it and smiles.

Daily Obstruction: Not That!

2 Jan



Finger Pointing at the Eclipse of the Moon


This is not an inspirational, positive-thinking, motivational message.  These are not daily affirmations.  Rather, the point here is to draw attention to the multifarious obstacles in your life, recognize that they are there by choice, affinity, and design, and further, that they constitute your life, even while they congest it.  In the face of so many self-improvement programs, the aim here is to realize that there is nothing to improve and the only obstacle to remove is your objection to obstructions.


*The image above is a classic Chinese depiction of Confucius, Buddha, and Lao-tzu (L-R).  They are each tasting from a vat of vinegar.  Confucius and Buddha both have pursed lips due to the unpleasant taste.  Only Lao-tzu has a hint of a smile, taking delight in the bitter.  The vinegar is a metaphor for life.

Daily Obstruction – Topography

24 Nov




Taoists like point out that when a rock obstructs the path of the river, the water, being soft and supple, goes right around the rock.  Buddhists point out that the river is the water and the rock.