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Daily Obstruction: Losing You, Finding God

7 Jul


Losing You, Finding God


The best entheogen? – removing the obstacle that is ‘you.’  When ‘you’ are taken out of the picture, all you will see is God.  How do you do that?  Begin with removing the quotes that make you ‘you.’  Next, see that you are just made up of the letters y-o-u – in combination with all other letters in various ways.  Finally, let the letters go.  Hear the word: you.  Repeat it enough and its meaning gradually dissipates until it is just sound signifying nothing.  Enter into that meaningless nothing.  There, within the meaninglessness of sound, sight, touch, taste, smells, and breath, you will find the divinity you seek.


1 Nov




Drugs and alcohol – an attractive obstruction for many.  The illusion of inhibition, the fun of internal challenges to both body and mind.  A detour in the path of perception.