Tag Archives: Technology

Daily Obstruction: Cursed Spite!

14 Oct




Cursed Spite!


I am a living anachronism.

Daily Obstruction: The Sad State of the Written Word

17 Jul



The Sad State of the Written Word



The idea of an author, creator, inspired visionary is rapidly losing ground to data-driven documents published on demand.  These data-drivers aren’t even producing books, but e-books, which are not testaments in time, but rather, literally, movable type that may say something else tomorrow than they do today if the data so dictates.

Daily Obstruction: Forging Frontiers

10 Feb


Forging Frontiers


Technology is an impediment to connection and communication to exactly the same extent that it facilitates it.

A Daily Obstruction: Technology

14 Dec

bodhi tree buddha


Each new external short-cut creates greater internal distress.